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Propeller Upblast Belt Drive - UBS SeriesS&P/Breidert
Home > Product Lines > Roof & Wall Fans > UBS Series
UBS Series Application
Model UBS is a high capacity roof mounted exhauster rated from 7000 to 51000 CFM. They are general ventilation units designed to economically remove large volumes of air, fumes and vapors from commercial and industrial buildings such as warehouses, manufacturing and assembly plants, chemical plants, foundries and paper mills.

Straight-through air flow design results in maximum exhaust efficiency. During operation, the high air flow velocity opens butterfly dampers which helps prevent rain or snow from entering. Dampers close and cover the venturi opening when unit is not in use.

The roof mounted location eliminates interference with processes and equipment inside the building. It also permits locating the exhauster over a source of heated or contaminated air, allowing direct upward venting to the outside, unlike wall mounted exhausters which may move contaminated air through adjacent work spaces.

Belt drive units usually operate more quietly and afford easier performance adjustements, while direct drive units require less maintenance.

UBS24 - Breidert Air Products - S&P/Breidert
Propeller Upblast - Belt Drive - 24''
UBS30 - Breidert Air Products - S&P/Breidert
Propeller Upblast - Belt Drive - 30''
UBS36 - Breidert Air Products - S&P/Breidert
Propeller Upblast - Belt Drive - 36''
UBS42 - Breidert Air Products - S&P/Breidert
Propeller Upblast - Belt Drive - 42''
UBS48 - Breidert Air Products - S&P/Breidert
Propeller Upblast - Belt Drive - 48''
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